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Ginny's Wig Salon
612 South Chestnut St, Gastonia, N.C. 28054 704-865-5641
Hours: Tues to Thurs. 10 to 5 / Fri. 10 to 3 / Sat. 10 to 2. / Closed Sun & Mon.
Ginny's Wigs is located in Gastonia, NC about 20 minutes from Charlotte. Ginny's Wigs has over 1,000 wigs in stock available for purchase, and offers a unique wig shopping experience.
Ginnys Wigs is closed on Thursday, Feb 20th. We are unable to make appointments through Facebook.
Ginny's Wigs will be closed on Thursday, Feb 20th. Please call the salon Friday to confirm our hours. We cannot make appointments through Facebook so please call to schedule your appointment. Thank You.
Ginny's carries a full selection of wigs, including Estetica, Envy, Tony Of Beverly, Henry Margu and Aspen.  Selections include wigs for hair loss, fashion, or style change. 
We are usually closed the Sat before or after a holiday, so please call ahead to confirm our hours. Occasionally we close for a few days during holiday weekends.

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  Map and Directions To Ginnys Wig Salon in Gastonia, NC,

612 S Chestnut St, Gastonia, NC 28054

Ginny's Wig Salon in Gastonia, NC, is a professional retail salon and boutique that includes online browsing and professional wig salon services. With a selection of over 1,000 wigs, the choices are endless! A personal visit works best, but wigs can be viewed online  for reference purposes, and purchased at Ginny's Salon. Ginny and the experienced staff at Ginny's Wig Salon in Gastonia will personally assist you with the proper wig selection.


Ginny's Wigs is accredited  through the Better Business Bureau  https://www.bbb.org/charlotte/business-reviews/hair-pieces/ginnys-wigs-in-gastonia-nc-290741/bbb-accreditation



Relax in a peaceful atmosphere with private rooms for personal comfort, and professional service by an experienced hairdresser. Ginny has many years experience with clients receiving chemotherapy treatments, as well as clients with alopecia and thinning hair. Her understanding of a clients needs is based on her own personal experience with an illness that caused severe hair loss. She understands the needs of clients purchasing wigs for hair hair loss, illness, stage and drama performances, as well as clients who want some fun in their everyday life.

     The Hair Grip is now available at Ginny's Wigs.

 Ginny stocks a full selection of wig accessories, head wraps, hats, scarves,clip on hair extensions and more!.






If you are interested in any of the wigs online, email: ginnyswigs@yahoo.com. Please include some information about your lifestyle, color choice, length and style of any wig you are interested in, Ginny will do the rest!


Ginny's Wigs has beautiful wigs in stock in every color, style and length. Wigs with natural beachy waves, soft, wispy layers, and smooth clean lines, all in stock available for purchase.

The stock rotates daily so the wigs shown may not be currently available due to daily sales. We offer a small selection of wigs online to give clients an idea of some of the wigs available. Ginny's has over 1,000 wigs on display so a visit to the salon is best. 

Below is some helpful information for wig styles and cap construction.

The Estetica Wig Classique Collection has a Pure Stretch Cap.

The Estetica Wig Naturalle Collection has a Front Lace Line.

The High Society Collection of Mono Wigs have a natural looking scalp.





New styles of head wear are in stock at Ginny's Wigs, and as always, Ginny's carries wig care products and accessories.

Beautiful wigs, natural styles, beachy waves, gorgeous rooted blondes, every style and color of wigs are available.  Stop in and browse over 1,000 wigs on display, available for purchase. Ginny's Wigs offers a unique shopping experience!


Beautiful unique hats are available on Etsy to be shipped within 1-3 days.



Below is some helpful information for wig styles and cap construction.

The Estetica Wig Classique Collection has a Pure Stretch Cap.

The Estetica Wig Naturalle Collection has a Front Lace Line.

The High Society Collection of Mono Wigs have a natural looking scalp.


Ginny's Wigs is an accredited business through The Better Business Bureau. Click the link for more info: :charlotte/business-reviews/hair-pieces/ginnys-wigs-in-gastonia-nc-290741/bbb-accreditation

Wigs are a personal item and cannot be returned

Please call ahead to confirm our Saturday hours, especially  if you are driving a long distance. Occasionally we are closed for vacation, a holiday weekend, weather conditions, or unexpected circumstances. Thank You.

 Facts to consider when shopping online for a wig.

During our normal business hours, please arrive at least one hour prior to closing so we have sufficient time to assist you with your wig selection. Please arrive by 4:00 Tues to Thurs, and arrive by 2:00 on Friday and Saturday. If you are uncertain, please call ahead as we may close early.

Map and Directions To Ginnys Wig Salon


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